pixels of the brain

↑ Grab Pixel's Headline Animator

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I became introduced to iCreate - Australia today, the creative Magazine for Mac users. The thing that attracted me to it was the Pro video Apps section, in which the focus was on Final Cut Pro 5 's interface. I also like the feel and design of the magazine. I have always thought the macs look beautiful, and the new G5 is no exception. There was also a CD attached, which included Adobe Go live demo, automator actions for Photoshop, Virtual ForeworX Screensaver shareware, and some iCANDY desktop picz of Mac stuff. I don't own a Mac as yet, but Curd Rice Productions will be owning one next week, but i bought it in the hope of making me understand the Mac OS before i lay my hands on one for the first time. And if Mac impresses me, I am also willing to invest in a PowerBook, or IBook soon, to get away from the PC environment. There was an interesting letter in the 'Talking Mac' section in the mag (its the forum page), a guy has written that;
"I have to admire Bill Gates for making and selling an unfinished product and becoming the richest man on Earth as a result. I hate myself for being stupid enough to buy it more than once in the beileif that he had fixed it. Had I adopted the same practice with cars I would be dead by now"
But you can't just throw away the PC totally now. You just have to teach yourself to be flexible in the PC and Mac systems, because it is the truth that most ppl are still in the world of Microsoft applications.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


"In 2005, mobile phone fans of Endemol's global smash hit "Big Brother" notched up over six million streamed minutes and 500,000 downloads across Australia, Italy and Britain, Bazalgette told a packed auditorium. Another worldwide sensation in 2005 was "24:Conspiracy", the first ever original live-action thriller produced exclusively for the cellphone by Fox Entertainment Group and distributed by Vodafone. The 24-serialised 60-second mobile episodes, or so-called 'mobisodes', ran in 23 countries around the world." - Channelnewsasia.com I wonder how popular will the mobisode phenomena become. But recent forecasts from Jupiter Research, however, suggest that 65 million people around the world will be subscribing to streaming or broadcast TV services by 2010. As of now, picture quality are isn't brilliant, but this will definitely change in time to come; Vodafone is the largest operator of channeling these mobisodes. When you are looking at telecasting dramas and soaps on mobile, the popularity of phone TV will increase, when people start recognising charachters, and get glued to the story. Now with mobisodes, will we be looking at 'Moscar' awards? Highly likey, since a new generation of 'mobile' actors are here to come, with an influx of mobisode production houses. As for me, no way I am going to invest in a 3G phone now, because for me quality matters. No way I am going to watch something on a small pixelised screen. It will take alot to tempt me.

Breaskfast on the GO

I can't even remember when was the time I had a proper breakfast in the morning. I have been skipping breakfast recently, because nothing seems interesting. Same old bread and milk you know. I think its time for me to cook breakfast on my own. Spotted this cool breakfast drink in CNA website today morning. Should try it sometime.

Breakfast Drink (300 calories) (Serves 1)

Ingredients -1 cup milk or soya milk -1 ripe banana (93 cal) -1/2 cup fat-free yogurt (fresh or frozen) -Flavorings (e.g. vanilla, chocolate syrup - optional)

Method Blend everthing in a blender for 10 seconds.

Dr Dinz says *Bananas are used because they help move bowels but you can add other types of fruit. *You can also vary the flavoring to vanilla or even choose to not add any flavouring at all. *This drink is designed to be soft on the stomach yet helps wake you up in the morning

By the way, the Malaysian PM's wife Endon Mahmood passed away today morning at 0755, local time. Breast Cancer.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Pyrotechnic Display

Today, for the first time I did some fireworks graphics, and it turned out fine. Of course the ones I did were animated, I did some 15 different types of fireworks. Just that I don't know how to save them in matte key. If I could than it would have been easier for my editor to insert it on the opening sequence. But putting the luma key effect in AVID is good enough..Thats what I thought. You just gotta decrease the gain by a bit, and increase the softness until you get the desired effect. And than layer it with a coulour effect and increase the brightness..seems to do the trick. I don't know..I will ask my editor to try it out tomorro.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Ghajini - 15 minutes

Watched Ghajini yesterday. I am not going to put up a story synopsis here, find it on the net. Surya looks good in his Sanjay Ramasamy, Air Voice CEO get-up. In fact, everything associated with Air-Voice looks good, including the office. Nice suits. Songs were taken very well. Asin for once has dropped her good girl image, and dressing and make-up suits her. 'Oru Maalai' is very hummable, but too much of effects at one go. Good try though. Why Nayanthara, and why her nose ring?? No comments.
After about 40 minutes, when you are going into liking the movies, and enjoying some good looking people, everything kind of just 'fast-mo's, and looks like the scriptwriter either does no know how to finish the movie, or the director is too eager to finish the movie, due to other commitments. Typical Indian movie ending where Nayanthara shouts at Surya to finish off the villain for the good of everyone. Enough of Multiple Personality Disorders, and Memory Lapses. 3 in a row isn't all that fun now.
Ghajini; the first 15 minutes is worth remembering

3 Brains

The image “http://www.sedl.org/reading/topics/images/brain2small.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
The brain is our favorite bodily organ. It is where we feel sex, love, and beauty. It is where we get guilty, depressed, and angry. It is the most complex object in the known Universe. So complex that science has only made the first tentative steps towards understanding it. One thing is clear though: you have three brains. There are three brains nested within your skull: the lizard brain, the dog brain, and the human brain. Brains have been evolving on this planet for a long time. Lizards got brains a couple of hundred million years ago. When lizard brains emerged several things appeared on the planet for the first time: lust, anger, and aggression. Lizard brains are small and simple. They control breathing, vision, bodily movement. They also allow fierce territorial fights, lusty bouts of mating, and displays of anger. Lizard brains don't let their owners experience more complex states like loyalty. When an alligator lays her eggs, she leaves them. The baby alligators emerge fully programmed for life and as fierce as she is. The babies fend for themselves from the first breath. They have to. Their mother, father, and any other alligator will happily have them as lunch. About 100 million years ago, loyalty appeared on Earth. Mammals emerged. They have more complex brains than reptiles. Specifically, mammals have a large brain that grew on top of the lizard brain. Dogs have two brains. They have the lizard brain, which forms a bump at the top of the spinal cord. This brain controls breathing and basic functions just as in lizards. It is hardwired to make mammals get turned on by sex, move automatically away from danger, and be able to defend territories. So much, so lizard. Mammals’ new layer of brain—called the limbic system—is more complex. It is more densely wired and allows for richer experience. Dogs experience love and loyalty, as anyone knows who has one. Dogs are as adept at positive emotional attachment as we, and sometimes clearer about it. Dogs’ limbic systems are anatomically distinct from their lizard brains. Evolution is conservative. It keeps old designs that work. The lizard brain is a beautiful design for performing basic bodily functions. Instead of starting from scratch when designing mammals, life kept the early hardwired structures and added a more complex layer to perform the subtler functions of mammalian lives. Poetry, art, language and reason appeared on Earth a few hundred thousand years ago when our ancestors evolved. All apes have a third brain. In us, it is huge. It is inside this human brain that mathematics and music, deception and politics, religion and racism live. It is the Machiavelli as well as the Mozart brain, the Eichman as well as the Einstein brain. This neo-cortex is functionally semi-independent from the lizard and dog brains. That is why our experience is so odd. Consider this: language lies in the human brain, but emotions lie within the separate dog and lizard brains. So the emotions are in a different world from language entirely. Not only that, reason too lives in the new human brain while emotions live in the older brains. The lizard and dog brains are running their emotion programs while the human brain is running its thinking programs. They don’t have too much to do with each other. Have you ever wondered why you reach for that pile of hot greasy fries while you tell yourself you are on a diet? The answer is that you have three brains, and the older brains were wired to put on weight long ago when food was scarce. Your old brains are not easily controlled by your fancy new brain hardware that reads diet books. The older brains cannot speak. They can only feel and act. This is where the self-contradictory nature of so much human behavior comes from. It explains why we can cheat on someone we love: each of our brains is pursuing different kinds of satisfaction. The lizard brain is moved to lust. The dog brain is moved to love and loyalty. The human brain is moved to the idea of romance and a dream of ethics. (The human brain is also moved to sadomasochism and premeditated murder.) So imagine the man with a cheating heart. He's married and loves his wife, but feels lust for another woman. He cheats on his wife with this other woman. While lying in tousled sheets afterward and staring at the ceiling, he can simultaneously enjoy satisfied lust, feel sad because of his disloyalty, and come up with a justification for his conduct. Each of these is happening in a different one of his brains. His lizard brain feels and acts on lust and enjoys it. His dog brain feels sadness because he has broken the loving bond of loyalty with his wife that this brain feels so keenly. And he's working at justifications and excuses in his human brain, which spins out such things endlessly. The fact that our emotions and intellect live in different brains inside our skull gets us into more than romantic trouble. Our reason can understand that the world's greatest problems include global warming and the poverty of most of the world's human beings. But reason lies in the human brain. Politicians well understand that by stirring up fears of terrorism, using patriotic jingoism and dangling the carrot of consumerism, they can mobilize the ancient lizard and dog brains and wash over reason with waves of emotion. We have more than one memory system, too. There are independent memory systems in the neo-cortex and the limbic system. The big human brain has the intellectual memory where we remember facts and phone numbers. The dog brain has an emotion-based memory. It is slower to learn but retains memories longer. In fact it never forgets your experiences. As we age the neo-cortical memory degrades and we have senior moments. This doesn’t happen to the limbic brain. So it’s really true—an elephant never forgets. It may be that this accumulative and retentive function of limbic memory is the basis of how wisdom accumulates as we age. The way the neo-cortical memory degrades while the limbic memory lasts may also have something to do with the differing ages at which certain human capacities peak. Scientists, mathematicians and criminals all do their best work early, usually by 35. Not so with writers, musicians and philosophers. Their best work comes later. Music, writing, and (sometimes) philosophy all touch into our emotions and bear an opportunity for the growth of wisdom. It could be that they all dip into limbic functions. Can we better integrate our three brains? It turns out that meditation integrates the brains. It rewires and harmonizes them. It lets you see through the blandishments of consumerism and much other falsity. Harmonizing one's brain is a slow and patient project. Evolution has not had time to integrate our brains. Meditation is a way of choosing to help evolution reach its moulding hand inside our head. Three brains are swell, but three brains in harmony are bliss.

Friday, October 14, 2005

What is Happiness?

Joy is not a constant condition. Most people manage a settled cheerfulness, but this—no matter how admirable—has nothing to do with joy, which flashes suddenly on our darkness. Like the light in an El Greco painting, joy does not merely illuminate the landscape. It transforms it. - Sr. Wendy Beckett

El Greco. The Coronation of the Virgin.

It is indeed a beautiful feeling to be happy. Today is one of my happy days. It's a feeling, when you don't need to laugh, but there will be a smile playing around the corner of your lip, and you feel that you are radiating warmth, even in the coldness of the night. You feel light, since all your troubles don't seem to exist, and somehow you think that you are beautiful...
Live your life so that the fear of death can never enter your heart. When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light. Give thanks for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks, rest assured the fault is in yourself.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Sculpture Square

There is a place called 'Sculpture Sqaure' diag opposite my office building. It used to be a church previously. Its quite a pretty building. It just used to be orange, but recently they have added a painting on it. Caught my eye while waiting for a cab today. Here it is.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Match Made in Final Cut Pro

Match made in Final Cut Pro Corpse Bride Weddings are often opulent affairs, but it’s virtually unheard of for one to feature $50,000 animatronic puppets, millions of dollars worth of camera and computer equipment and Tim Burton. The culmination of a 10-year engagement, “Corpse Bride,” directed by Tim Burton and Mike Johnson, is a revolutionary marriage of stop-motion animation techniques, digital photography and digital movie editing. Shot with Canon digital cameras and edited with Final Cut Pro on Power Mac G5 computers at Three Mills Studios in London, the film marks the first time stop-motion animation has been shot in digital. “Movies of this sophistication only come around about every 10 years, if that,” says the movie’s editor Jonathan Lucas. “The animation is beautifully smooth and the story is fantastic. I’ve been in the business maybe 25 years now and I haven’t seen anything like it.”

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Chateau D'Yquem

Chateau d'Yquem is unquestionably one of the finest and most highly sought after dessert wines in the world. In the famous 1855 classification, Chateau d'Yquem was the only wine to be accorded the rank of Grand Premier Cru. Even the top Bordeaux red wine producers, such as Lafite and Latour, were simply classed as Premier Crus. Only one glass of wine per vine is produced at d'Yquem after a painstaking harvest and severe selection in the winery.
The image “http://www.lvmh.fr/images/left/groupe/societe/Yquem.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Yquem 1984 Yquem symbolises the finest expression of a wine, its mystery and magic and its rigour. This monument to the history of wine impresses and inspires by the simple mention of its name. Inaccessible wine of the gods, it condescends to leave us a taste of paradise in this 1984. A garden of Eden; honey, pineapple, citrus and fruit aromas, with roasted and grilled notes. As smooth as cashmere or silk, with hints of spice and freshness, ready for eternity, full and endless. Divine. Grape variety: Sémillon Drink or keep: Delicious now but perfect for many years' ageing Delicious with: Suprême au chocolat Serve: Open one hour before tasting and serve chilled at 10°C Well this was one of the rare, good wine from the vintage of my birth year. My birth year was a pretty dry year, so it is in my interest to get a 1984's Chateau D'Yquem. When I get my first 'divine' sip, I will blog it. If any of you have had their hands on this, then tell me about it and make me jealous. Cheers.

Dhinesh's Birthday Party

Today was Dhinesh's 21st Birthday Party, and it was real fun attending it. I went really late, because of my work commitments, but I managed to get there in time to see all my college mates. Only in times like this we get together. I was really lost for a birthday present, so I got him what I'm best at... a bottle of wine, although he told me he would not drink it. He's 21, so I think its time for him to appreciate some good things in life. He had some great food and drinks, and all of us really enjoyed ourselves. It's good to be out of your normal work-school cycle sometimes to attend such functions. At least you know you are still very much alive. Cheers.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Wealth of Information

Tell me there is an end to learning, I will never believe it... Especially after I have met Sumi Ratnam. This man is a wealth of information... and it always excites me to be with someone with such calibre. Its also refreshing to be in the presence of someone, who can immediately put you down with their intelligence, in a form of reminder that you do not know half the things that he knows. I always look forward to meeting someone like that, and through Mr. Sumi, I did. Its funny that I have never noticed how much importance the river played in 'Mahanadhi' (Great river), a tamil movie released in 1994. Of course I had an idea, that the movie was referring to the great river, Ganges, but thats it. Only after talking to Sumi, I realised that the movie starts with a scene in the clean, pure, live giving river of South India, 'Kaveri', and the story progresses on to the sewage filled 'Koovam' river in Chennai. In the middle of the story, we have the 'Hooghly' river of Calcutta. I didn't realise how these rivers connect a man's life. Another example of layering.
The image “http://dvdunlimitedonline.com/shop/images/tdvd_mahanathi.jpeg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
It was also interesting to hear Sumi's notion about why Today's Tamilians will never be able to porgress in their lives. Because it is in their genes. Why, because, in the evolution of Tamils, they have never faced any major wars in ancient times, they lived in a highly art concentrates world, they have never faced any real challenges. Extremely intersting concepts that I have never come acroos through in my life. I can never explain the happiness of being able to learn so much in such a short time, from someone who does not see any age differences and who is more than willing to share what he knows. I guess, the next 4 days, in which I talk to Mr. Sumi, will be deeply enriching days for me. A week of self-enrichment.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Japanese Fish Story

The Japanese love fresh fish. However, the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish. So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan? To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks. But now they add a shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are challenged. Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Beat the heck out of them. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Failing makes you tired. Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help. If you have met your goals, set some bigger goals. Once you meet your personal or family needs, move onto goals for your group, the society, even mankind. Don’t create success and lie in it. You have resources, skills and abilities to make a difference. Put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go!

The image “http://www.reeldreamsfishprints.com/images/prints/bonesap.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Thanks to Sumi, I got to know this story. This is one of the most inspirational stories I have heard in my life. Another enriching day for me.

BREEKS for Lunch

Today was my first visit to BREEKs, Ang Mo Kio and it wasn't too bad. Prabha ordered a Chicken Pattie, which tasted good. It came with some Pasta. I ordered black sauced dory, which also came with pasta...but I am not really a fan of American food. Their drinks were good. I had this drink called Ocean, which was some vanilla mint drink...very refreshing... But I don't think I will visit the place again if I am really given a choice, because they don't have much variety of food, compared to Billy Bombers or something, unless I feel like having the Chick Pattie.
Match made in Final Cut Pro Corpse Bride Weddings are often opulent affairs, but it’s virtually unheard of for one to feature $50,000 animatronic puppets, millions of dollars worth of camera and computer equipment and Tim Burton. The culmination of a 10-year engagement, “Corpse Bride,” directed by Tim Burton and Mike Johnson, is a revolutionary marriage of stop-motion animation techniques, digital photography and digital movie editing. Shot with Canon digital cameras and edited with Final Cut Pro on Power Mac G5 computers at Three Mills Studios in London, the film marks the first time stop-motion animation has been shot in digital. “Movies of this sophistication only come around about every 10 years, if that,” says the movie’s editor Jonathan Lucas. “The animation is beautifully smooth and the story is fantastic. I’ve been in the business maybe 25 years now and I haven’t seen anything like it.” |W|P|112895508562944935|W|P|Match Made in Final Cut Pro|W|P|revatechnic@gmail.com10/12/2005 07:33:00 PM|W|P|Blogger Ryan|W|P|this show's great! and good to noe it's made with final cut pro... heh

i want a mac!10/09/2005 11:09:00 AM|W|P|Pandhu|W|P|Chateau d'Yquem is unquestionably one of the finest and most highly sought after dessert wines in the world. In the famous 1855 classification, Chateau d'Yquem was the only wine to be accorded the rank of Grand Premier Cru. Even the top Bordeaux red wine producers, such as Lafite and Latour, were simply classed as Premier Crus. Only one glass of wine per vine is produced at d'Yquem after a painstaking harvest and severe selection in the winery.
The image “http://www.lvmh.fr/images/left/groupe/societe/Yquem.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Yquem 1984 Yquem symbolises the finest expression of a wine, its mystery and magic and its rigour. This monument to the history of wine impresses and inspires by the simple mention of its name. Inaccessible wine of the gods, it condescends to leave us a taste of paradise in this 1984. A garden of Eden; honey, pineapple, citrus and fruit aromas, with roasted and grilled notes. As smooth as cashmere or silk, with hints of spice and freshness, ready for eternity, full and endless. Divine. Grape variety: Sémillon Drink or keep: Delicious now but perfect for many years' ageing Delicious with: Suprême au chocolat Serve: Open one hour before tasting and serve chilled at 10°C Well this was one of the rare, good wine from the vintage of my birth year. My birth year was a pretty dry year, so it is in my interest to get a 1984's Chateau D'Yquem. When I get my first 'divine' sip, I will blog it. If any of you have had their hands on this, then tell me about it and make me jealous. Cheers. |W|P|112882831763484806|W|P|Chateau D'Yquem|W|P|revatechnic@gmail.com10/09/2005 12:41:00 AM|W|P|Pandhu|W|P| Today was Dhinesh's 21st Birthday Party, and it was real fun attending it. I went really late, because of my work commitments, but I managed to get there in time to see all my college mates. Only in times like this we get together. I was really lost for a birthday present, so I got him what I'm best at... a bottle of wine, although he told me he would not drink it. He's 21, so I think its time for him to appreciate some good things in life. He had some great food and drinks, and all of us really enjoyed ourselves. It's good to be out of your normal work-school cycle sometimes to attend such functions. At least you know you are still very much alive. Cheers.|W|P|112879002037878777|W|P|Dhinesh's Birthday Party|W|P|revatechnic@gmail.com10/02/2005 01:48:00 AM|W|P|Pandhu|W|P|Tell me there is an end to learning, I will never believe it... Especially after I have met Sumi Ratnam. This man is a wealth of information... and it always excites me to be with someone with such calibre. Its also refreshing to be in the presence of someone, who can immediately put you down with their intelligence, in a form of reminder that you do not know half the things that he knows. I always look forward to meeting someone like that, and through Mr. Sumi, I did. Its funny that I have never noticed how much importance the river played in 'Mahanadhi' (Great river), a tamil movie released in 1994. Of course I had an idea, that the movie was referring to the great river, Ganges, but thats it. Only after talking to Sumi, I realised that the movie starts with a scene in the clean, pure, live giving river of South India, 'Kaveri', and the story progresses on to the sewage filled 'Koovam' river in Chennai. In the middle of the story, we have the 'Hooghly' river of Calcutta. I didn't realise how these rivers connect a man's life. Another example of layering.
The image “http://dvdunlimitedonline.com/shop/images/tdvd_mahanathi.jpeg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
It was also interesting to hear Sumi's notion about why Today's Tamilians will never be able to porgress in their lives. Because it is in their genes. Why, because, in the evolution of Tamils, they have never faced any major wars in ancient times, they lived in a highly art concentrates world, they have never faced any real challenges. Extremely intersting concepts that I have never come acroos through in my life. I can never explain the happiness of being able to learn so much in such a short time, from someone who does not see any age differences and who is more than willing to share what he knows. I guess, the next 4 days, in which I talk to Mr. Sumi, will be deeply enriching days for me. A week of self-enrichment.|W|P|112819164719856339|W|P|Wealth of Information|W|P|revatechnic@gmail.com10/01/2005 01:10:00 AM|W|P|Pandhu|W|P|The Japanese love fresh fish. However, the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish. So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan? To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks. But now they add a shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are challenged. Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Beat the heck out of them. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Failing makes you tired. Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help. If you have met your goals, set some bigger goals. Once you meet your personal or family needs, move onto goals for your group, the society, even mankind. Don’t create success and lie in it. You have resources, skills and abilities to make a difference. Put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go!

The image “http://www.reeldreamsfishprints.com/images/prints/bonesap.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Thanks to Sumi, I got to know this story. This is one of the most inspirational stories I have heard in my life. Another enriching day for me. |W|P|112810092322877146|W|P|Japanese Fish Story|W|P|revatechnic@gmail.com10/01/2005 12:51:00 AM|W|P|Pandhu|W|P|
Today was my first visit to BREEKs, Ang Mo Kio and it wasn't too bad. Prabha ordered a Chicken Pattie, which tasted good. It came with some Pasta. I ordered black sauced dory, which also came with pasta...but I am not really a fan of American food. Their drinks were good. I had this drink called Ocean, which was some vanilla mint drink...very refreshing... But I don't think I will visit the place again if I am really given a choice, because they don't have much variety of food, compared to Billy Bombers or something, unless I feel like having the Chick Pattie.
|W|P|112810009948113454|W|P|BREEKS for Lunch|W|P|revatechnic@gmail.com-->