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படத்துலே இருக்கிறது யாருனு தெரியுதுலே?
அது ராடன் ராதிகானு எங்களுக்கும் தெரியும், ஆனால், அந்த Purple Shirt ஆளு?
அவருதான், சில காலத்துக்கு முன், பெண்கள் நெஞ்சை கொள்ளைக் கொண்ட வெள்ளை மாதவன், அர்விந்த்சுவாமி.
என்னாலையும் நம்ப முடியலே தான்... ஆனால் நல்ல வேளை, நான் பெரிய அர்விந்த்சுவாமி Fan இல்லே.
ஆனால் என்னதான் இருந்தாலும், கடைசியிலே, மனசு தான் முக்கியம்..
Thank you very much Ram.... It's not just the weight, its also the bald head, which makes all the difference.
And if you talk about different get-ups, I think only certain actors who can maintain their looks can pull of that look, like sarathkumar, kamal. But most, don't. If they put on their weight, thats it, they are not gonna lose it.
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Thank you very much Ram....
It's not just the weight, its also the bald head, which makes all the difference.
And if you talk about different get-ups, I think only certain actors who can maintain their looks can pull of that look, like sarathkumar, kamal. But most, don't. If they put on their weight, thats it, they are not gonna lose it.
Sarathkumaara ?
mottai adichu nalla irundhadhu, enakku therinju Kamal mattum dhaan.
no keerthi,
after the mottai, at least sarathkumar still looked himself upon growing his hair and all.
when ajit kumar put on weight, he never had the idea of losing it later.
or maybe he couldn't
Have you seen Ajith off Late.. You wouldnt believe. He is leaner than before.
no keerthi,
as a matter of fact, i realise i have not seen ajith in recent times at all.
what happened to him.?
the last time i saw him was on ding dong koyil mani.
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